Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Smith Machine

At the gym today I did squats on the Smith Machine. And for the first time did them correctly, which nets me a gold star and fantastic quads.

I was pretty sure my trainer was lying when he told me it was called a Smith Machine ... I may have even cracked a joke about using the Jones machine next, but that's just the relationship we have. We so crazy.

Then I overheard another trainer cheering on his client, and I could've sworn he said, "Rip it up hard." More likely he said, "Rip it apart," but for the rest of my session I kept yelling, "Rip it up... hard!" because I'm 12.

Squat is an ugly word.

On the commute home last night, the bus got a flat tire. We squished two buses worth of people into one bus. I'm glad that doesn't happen very often. I'm not prone to claustrophobia but if ever I was going to feel it, it'd be then.

Today wasn't all that great. Tomorrow will be better.

I am more ready than you can possibly know for my week of vacation.

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