Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ibuprofen you complete me

Five days at the gym this week and my muscles are complaining, however I still managed to get excited about spinning this morning. The theme today was "climbing Mount Si," so we spent a lot of time in zone 4 (highest tension) out of the saddle. I pushed myself hard and felt good after -- excepting the muscle aches but I think fault lies more in deadlifts with my trainer yesterday or the 3 miles I jogged on Thursday.

I told Jer about the deadlifts and he said, "Why are you lifting zombies?"

Only a scant few years ago I avoided the gym like a zombie plague. Hello, irony. You are my bitch now.

Anywho. I am home alone again on a Saturday night and I'm not all that motivated to action. I need to pre-post some photoblog entries, clean some stuff, and quit dwelling on things I cannot control. A gal spends all her free time reading about the economy and securing a mortgage and she's liable to go a little batty, you know?

Now that we're officially married, Jer and I were finally able to combine our renter's insurance policies. He was looking over the updated paperwork and noticed a couple of things. First, we are not covered due to acts of war. Accidental or civil, declared or not declared, it doesn't matter. Also, in case of a nuclear explosion, we are not covered.

I think it's important to know these things up front. It will certainly influence which way I vote come election time.

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